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shanghai huzheng

Company Profile
0.2nm - 20nm Au, Ag, Pt, the Cu powder body, the colloid, the solutionand SnO, Tio2, ITO, ATO and so on the nanometer metal oxide compound,the production sells the sold out catalyst, the cold catalyst, exceptthe formaldehyde, the benzene, the ammonia, TVOC and so on in theentire series room the air purification government product. Speciallythe co***ny produces the nanometer silver series antibacterialmaterial, widely applies aspect and so on ceramics, plastic, coating,textile, paper product, cosmetics, drug...
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Contact Us
Company: shanghai huzheng
Contact: Mr. liu he
Address: Shanghai pudong xinqu lianxi lu 1151 hao
Postcode: 201204
Tel: 86 02150428367-612
Fax: 86 021-50428369


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